Searching through Medium, one of the best places to find fresh thoughts and articles these days, we came upon a familiar sight – Zerynth Studio.

A user by the name of Vulkander has made a tutorial about working with the NodeMCU (ESP2866) and Zerynth Studio. Or as the title says: a Low-cost way to build an IoT environment (feat. NodeMCU).

Zerynth Studio Tutorial on Medium, in Korean

You can say that our software is getting extremely popular. With satisfied users all the way in Korea, things are moving forward faster every day. Who knows what corner of the globe is talking about its benefits.

And don’t worry if you don’t know any Korean, the tutorial has lots of images, so it’s easy enough to follow.

Download Zerynth Studio

So, you read this post, you either brushed-up on your Korean skills or on Google Translate, and now is the perfect time to download Zerynth Studio and start programming in Python. It’s free, it’s easy, it’s the best way to start your IoT career.

Until next time,
The Zerynth Team

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About the Author: Luigi F. Cerfeda

Luigi is a biomedical engineer, and is currently Sales Director at Zerynth. Being one of the first members on the team, he has held various roles in the company as he has a deep knowledge of the IoT market and Industry 4.0.

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