What are the behaviors to keep in mind that are seen as good habits within a company? What are the attitudes to avoid?

Educating to a solid corporate culture means aligning the entire team on values and principles to always keep in mind as cornerstones of the corporate culture. In Zerynth we have compiled a list of our ALWAYS and our NEVERS, which are activities promoted or not recommended that are in line with company values. Promoting team building actions, in fact, are essential in order to live daily in a serene and engaging work environment.

The Team Building of values

During our workshop on April 14, the entire team was asked to think about behaviors and attitudes that reflect Zerynth’s values and are essential for strengthening corporate culture. The Team, divided into two heterogeneous groups made up of components from the company’s four internal teams (Dev, Sales, Marketing, and Finance), began to reflect and think about actions and behaviors in the company that are correct and incorrect with respect to corporate values.

Once the two groups were asked to answer these questions, by drawing the ALWAYS and NEVERS on the virtual bulletin board and on sheets, the brainstorming began. On this occasion, colleagues had the opportunity to discuss and reflect on what they do every day: actions they believe in and behaviors that they believe may be harmful to the company and to the entire team.

Undertaking team building actions like these is important to form a cohesive team that is simultaneously aware of the meeting points of each individual, of aspects of their way of thinking and working that they unconsciously share.

Concrete priorities for easy-to-achieve goals

Regarding the value of concreteness, the first rule needed to work effectively and efficiently is to always define priorities clearly in order to achieve the objectives without delaying actions. The challenges that are posed to Zerynth are always ambitious and measurable. Everyone must contribute to the achievement of objectives that, although achievable, must be challenging.

In addition, the result of the two brainstorming and team building sessions also brought out how we work at Zerynth: objectives must be achieved proactively and everyone must always be able to dare and think outside the box to obtain expected results.

If the “always” is represented by a path to achieve increasingly higher goals, the “nevers” are focused on the passivity of the team:at Zerynth, we must not be apathetic or afraid of making mistakes. Making mistakes is normal, but it is more important to make mistakes in order to do better next time rather than not daring and not trying.

Competence: developing individual and team skills

Developing and increasing both individual and team skills means knowing how to listen to and understand the lessons, both from colleagues and people external to the company, and placing their knowledge and skills at the service of the team, with a view toward an improvement of each and every one. Competence means not being presumptuous and not thinking that you already know everything.

Everyone must be willing to question themselves by trying to better themselves and the company. You should never think that you can do it alone because “you know and do first”, but rather, you have to try, and try in unison with your colleagues.

By following these principles, at Zerynth everyone is up to the challenge, and everyone can achieve their goals. By using the right tools, such as knowledge, information sharing, and teamwork, all goals are achievable.

Innovation: challenges to always improve

At Zerynth, everyone is called upon to have external experiences, be curious, and try to find a solution to bring innovation to the company. This constant and consistent attitude allows one not only to think outside the box but also to create innovative solutions that can always simplify the lives of Zerynth customers.

With this in mind, you should never stay in your comfort zone but you must always be open to new experiences by trying to innovate more and more. In fact, during the team building activity, everyone agreed on the need to always improve if one wants to get better results.

Focus on the customer, listening to needs and opportunities for change

Zerynth focuses on the customer: having the relationship with the customer at heart regardless of the purchase, accompanying them towards our offer, and following them proactively are the attitudes that distinguish us.

It means deepening and understanding their needs by analyzing criticism and being retrospective. In this bubble of communication and relationship with the customer, Zerynth aims to listen to needs and bring out the opportunity for change that exists with the solutions we propose.

Using always and nevers as guiding attitudes

With these always and nevers, the Zerynth team has put down on paper the attitudes and behaviors that have always been present, in the working life of our team and in the field with our customers.

In addition to behaviors being already followed in the company on a daily basis, these statements are intended as a reminder and as a promise for the future, reminding us to do better.

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About the Author: Isabella Ripamonti

Isabella Ripamonti is Zerynth's HR Specialist. Her activities center on dealing with administration and human resources management. Degreed in Sociology and Social Research, she is passionate about work organization and joined the Zerynth Team with the aim of streamlining internal processes and helping the company to grow by adding new resources and promoting corporate culture. Curiosity: vegetarian.

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