Industria 4.0

IoT technologies in the waste industry

How Industry 4.0 supports companies in monitoring waste management processes with a view toward environmental protection.

Knowing how to properly manage waste is one of many challenges that companies find themselves facing today as they look for innovative systems capable of automating their disposal processes or waste collection that is produced by municipalities.

It’s a fact, the problem is often linked to the lack of planning of the consumption models used, which do not guarantee a balance between actual production and the waste produced. The consequences are superfluous waste and negative impacts on the environment.

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Manual waste management, sometimes supported by machines, was until recently, the only alternative for precise monitoring and disposal of collection sites or landfills.

Adopting IoT technologies in the field of waste management means being part of the innovation process that smart cities are promoting today, bringing great benefits for the protection of the environment and for the optimization of production processes towards a gradual transformation in a 4.0 perspective.

Inside the white paper you will learn about:

  • Waste management problems
  • Solutions proposed by IoT systems
  • How IoT technologies work
  • Scapigliato using Zerynth’s Industrial IoT platform
  • The benefits of IoT technologies in Industry 4.0 transformation in the waste industry
  • The waste industry in Smart Cities